The ‘diet industry’s’ approach to weight loss primarily focuses on the ‘what and when’ of how we eat. Nancy’s clinical work and her own personal struggles has led her to the conclusion that this method does not work in the vast majority of cases, ironically it actually makes people fatter. Being overweight is not about the food!
The book looks at weight loss through an addiction lens, and offers exercises for getting the food “monkey” off your back. It blends spiritual concepts, in the direct no-nonsense voice of its author, with a sense of humour woven throughout.
I am almost finished your book and I wanted to tell you great job! I will recommend it without reservation to all my clients with food issues, and to other therapists as well. It's well written, friendly and clear, with just the right amount of research. Brave self disclosure and true humility. Very inspiring.
Leslie Ellis, MA. R.C.C.
I was incredibly inspired by your book - so much so that when I headed for some sweets a couple days ago, I actually found myself wondering WHY I wanted that particular food at that particular moment - what emotional hole was I needing to fill and why right then? What relation did the need for the sweets have to my emotional needs right then? Talk about a light-bulb moment! I did not have answers, but at least I was asking myself the questions; first time!